Sunday, March 23, 2008

Harry Dresden

Small Favor
Jim Butcher
April 1
ISBN 0451461894
Urban Fantasy

A period of relative calm ends for Harry Dresden when he finds his butt getting kicked by the Three Billy Goats Gruff, and that's just the start of the return of normalcy, aka, chaos, to his life, and this time, he does not have Lasciel in his mind providing helpful advice. Plunged into the middle of a conflict between the two courts of the fae, Harry has more enemies than he can shake his blasting stick at. Before it is over, the Knights, as well as the ever watchful High Council, will be involved. At the center of the storm lies the fate of a small girl, the Archive, who Harry dares to treat like a person. Facing monsters, angry fae, hostile allies, and all other threats is nothing though compared to who our favorite wizard will have to confront before the sparks stop flying; himself.

Once again, Mr. Butcher blows me away with his prose. Very few authors can make a story both character and plot driven. The action comes at you so fast you might have to re-read a page or two to make sure you got everything, but that is no hardship. Watching Harry try to find Murphy's car keys would be entertaining enough to warrant reading about him. The entire cast is just brilliant and you truly want to spend time in their world. Although the novel is complete unto itself, Mr. Butcher tosses us a hint of foreshadowing that will make you want a time tuner or something so you can go forward and get the next book immediately or sooner.

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